Certified So: Redefining Happiness
The Curse

So are you bothered

By your barren branches?

Or by the lack

Of the Fruit

Of the Spirit in your life?

If so,

Then don't wait

Until you feel like you have

A bumper crop

Of patience.

Or don't wait

Until you feel like you have

An apple bin full

Of happiness.

Or an overflowing

Bushel basket

Full of faith.


Until you think

You finally feel

Strong enough

To have the strength

To feed the needs

Of those around you.


Be like she

Who fed ElijahLuke 4:24-27

And seek to feed

The needs of others first,

All the time.Matthew 25:31-461 Corinthians 9:19-22

For when we seek

To certify the way He keeps

His promises,

We will surely find

That He who made

The very first fig tree,

And then pronounced it good,Genesis 1:11-12

Will give us just exactly

What we need,

Just exactly

When we need it,

And just exactly like

He said He would!Romans 8:31-32