Is the very moment
When we stop to marvel
At the magnitude
Of how amazing
The mustard seed miracle
Really is.
For this
Is when we finally
Start to comprehend
Why His yoke
Of serving others
Really is so easy,
And why
All the burdens
That He spoke of
Really are so restful
And so light.
Because it's easy
For us to always
Feel like we have
Just a mustard seed
Of faith,
Or patience,
Or peace of mind
At any given time.
And yet it's very hard,
For us to always
Feel like we have
An overflowing measure
All the time.
So have you ever
Felt like
You only have
A mustard seed of faith
Abiding in you?
Or has it ever
Seemed like
The measure
Of your happiness
Is so small,
That there is hardly
Any happiness at all
Residing in you?
If so,
Then that's okay!
Because He,
Whom we love to call
Our Lord and Savior,
And He,
Who also labored as
Our Maker and Creator,John 1:1-14
Has promised
He will always give us
Just exactly what we need,
And just exactly