And everyone around her
Wanted what she had?
But no,
Not from what
She told Elijah.
Then what about the strength
Of her relationship
With the Lord?
Was this the reason
Why the God of Heaven
Honored her,
Because she had it
All figured out?
Not from what
She told Elijah.
For in the land of Sidon,
Ashtoreth reigned supreme,1 Kings 11:5
Whom everyone
Believed to be the goddess
Of sensual love
And virility,
And everyone around her
Worshiped her.
Including Sidon's
Heathen king,
Who was the father
Of her royal wickedness,
Queen Jezebel,
Israel's evil queen,
And a major reason
For the drought.1 Kings 16:31
In light of all
We've come to know,
There is still one thing
We would really like to know.
Which is . . .
Why was she
Who knew not God,
And who had so little
Faith in God,
So richly blessed?
Simply put,
It was because
She understood the meaning of
The Mustard Seed Concept.
That it's not about
How much we have to have,
But rather
How little we have to have,
To have something