Certified So: Redefining Happiness
The Still Small Voice

If we strive

To serve the Lord,

As long as all we do

Is say we try

To serve the Lord,

Because he makes us think

That no one really

Can obey the Lord,

And therefore,

He causes us to think

The deeds we do,

Don't matter.James 2:14-26

This is why

The subtle Tempter,

Tries so hard to imitate,

The Holy Spirit's

Inner whisper.James 1:131 John 4:1

It's so he can make us think

That he's the Holy One

Who's sent to lead us,John 14:26John 16:12-14

And then mislead us,

Into being focused

On ourselves.

This is also how he sought

To overcome the Savior.

And how he tried to cause

Our Lord to waver,

In His quest

To save man.

For when the Son of God

Had fasted,

For forty nights,

And forty days,Matthew 4:1-2

And Satan thought

He finally had a chance,

To ply his wicked ways.

Then posing as an angel

Sent from God to aid Him,2 Corinthians 11:14

He sought

By very subtle means,

To persuade Him,

Into thinking

We must feed

Our own needs first,

If we ever hope

To have the strength,

To feed the needs of others.Matthew 4:3


Strongly disagreed.

And when He pointed out

Our duty from the Scriptures,Matthew 4:4

He was also helping us

To see the bigger picture.