Certified So: Redefining Happiness

Summary: The Still Small Voice


o casting every vestige

Of his holy sounding

Masquerade aside,

Satan now tried,

To terrify the Lord

And force Him to decide,

To choose an easy way out.


That would avoid

All the pain,

That saving us,

Would mean

That He must suffer.Matthew 4:8-9

But how could,

The Son of Man,

Bow to,

The Devil's wishes

Or demands,

And still be our Example?1 Peter 2:21

And still be He

Who from eternity,

Has always sought

To feed the needs

Of others first?Isaiah 57:15Luke 4:40

Jesus knew He couldn't,

And He knew He wouldn't,

Ever leave us

Or forsake us,Hebrews 13:5

Or refuse to redeem us

With His blood.John 3:16Romans 5:6-10

So when His evil rival Satan

Saw the Savior

Would not heed him,

Nor bow the knee,

By thinking He must focus

On His own needs first,

And how to feed them,

Then he knew

He was defeated,

So he finally fled.Matthew 4:10-11