Certified So: Redefining Happiness

Summary: Rest


hy is wearing

His yoke,

Of serving others

Said to be so easy?Matthew 11:28-29

And why,

Are bearing all the burdens

That He spoke of,

Deemed to be so restful

And so light?Matthew 5:38-48

It's because we don't

Provide the food,

That feeds the multitude.Luke 9:12-17

And it's because we don't

Supply the seed of faith,

That makes us think

It's even possible.

God does!Luke 11:9-13Ephesians 3:14-21

All we have to do,

Is freely give away

The tiny seeds of hope,

That God so freely gives us.

And always seek to sow

The little seeds of happiness,

That God Himself dispenses.Ecclesiastes 11:6Hosea 10:12

Even when it seems like,

Our faith is in decline,

And hope,

And happiness,

Are very hard to find.

For just as surely

As we do,

We will just as surely find,

That the reason why we have

An innate ability,

To give so overflowing

And so endlessly,John 4:6-14

Is because it doesn't

Come from within.

It comes

From God!John 3:1-81 John 2:28-29