Certified So: Redefining Happiness

For just as surely

As we do,

We will just as surely find,

That the reason why we have

An innate ability,

To give so overflowing

And so endlessly,John 4:6-14

Is because it doesn't

Come from within.

It comes

From God!John 3:1-81 John 2:28-29


Because it comes

From God,

This means,

That we never

Have to have,

An overflowing measure,

To always have enough to give,

An overflowing measure

All the time.

Because for every

Seed of hope

Or happiness,

That we so freely

Give away,

God will just as freely

Give us yet another,

And then another,

And then another

Mustard seeds' worth,Romans 8:32

Of the very thing

We thought we never had

Enough of,

And yet now we know,

That just a mustard seeds' worth,

Is way more

Than enough of,

To always have enough

To feed the needs of others!Luke 10:25-37


Is the very moment

When we stop to marvel,

At the magnitude,

Of how amazing,

The mustard seed miracle

Really is.

For this,

Is when we finally

Start to comprehend,

Why His yoke,

Of serving others