Certified So: Redefining Happiness
Feed Me First

Just as simple as,

"I'm sorry,"

Even when it seems like,

It's the hardest thing

We've ever had to say.

But the reason why

We say it anyway,

Is because

Now we know,

That there is really

Only one way,

To truly walk with God

And grow in grace.

And that's by letting

Someone who's impatient

Cut in line.

Or by sharing just a moment

Of our time.

Or by a thousand other

Little things,

The Lord empowers us

To do or say,

To help and bless

The lives of others everyday!

But isn't it,

A little hypocritical,

To encourage others

To be happy

When we're not?

Or to try

To nurture patience

In the hearts of others,

When we ourselves,

Are overwrought?


Because the very instant,

That we do,

In faith,

However small,

A miracle occurs.

And even though

It seemed like,

We had hardly any

Happiness at all,

God gives us yet another,

And then another,

And then another

Mustard seed of happiness,

To share with those around us,

Until the magnitude,

Of what the Lord has wrought

Confounds us.