Certified So: Redefining Happiness
Feed Me First

But no,

Jesus never ever

Said it this way.

Nor did He ever indicate,

That it's the quality,

And not the quantity

That matters.

And the reason why He didn't

Might surprise you.

Because how much,

Flour and oil,

Did the widow

Say she had?

About a mustard seed's worth,


And yet even though

Elijah knew this,

Did he apologize,

Because he asked her?

Or hypothesize,

On how she ought to find

More food a little faster?

Or did he simply sigh,

And say the Lord

Must have meant someone else?


He didn't.

In fact,

He seemed to think

A mustard seed sized meal,

Was just enough for her

To do what with?

It was just enough for her,

To have something in her hand

To give away!


What became of

Her meager measure,

The very moment that she did?

We call her,

The destitute widow

Of Zarephath,

But what can we surmise

About the size of her faith?

As in,

How much,

Do you think she really had?

Because Elijah,

Was a total stranger,

So could she really put

Her total trust in him?
