Certified So: Redefining Happiness
Much Fruit

And that is,

The irrefutable,


"Much fruit" miracle

That changes our condition,

The very moment

We believe,

And serving others first,

Becomes our mission.

So go ahead,

By the grace of God

Become a fruit tree!

And seek to feed

The needs of others first,

And try to help

And bless the lives

Of others first,

Even when it seems like,

It's the very opposite,

Of everything you think

You ought to do!

But why,

Even try,

To feed the needs

Of others first?

Or why should we

Even strive,

To strengthen faith

And hope in others first,

When our own faith

Feels feeble,

Or is faltering,

Or when there's hardly

Any fruit at all,

Clinging to our branches?Galatians 5:22-23

It's just because

That's what

Fruit trees do!

They mimic Him

Who made them,John 1:1-3

And gave them

All He had,John 3:16Philippians 2:5-8

So they could bless

The lives of others first,

And make the hearts

Of others glad!Matthew 15:32-38

So the final

Answer is,


The miracle of "much fruit"

Never happens,

Just because our faith