Certified So: Redefining Happiness
Feed Me First

The truth be known,

We know she couldn't.

For in her dire situation

What she really had,

Was just an ounce of faith,

And a ton of desperation.

And yet even though

Elijah knew this,

Did he chide her,

To increase it?

Or advise her,

On how she ought to

Strengthen it?

Or did he simply sigh,

And say the Lord

Must have meant someone else?


He didn't.

In fact,

He seemed to think

A mustard seed of faith,

Was just enough for her,

To do what with?

It was just enough for her,

To have something in her heart

To give away!


What became of

Her feeble faith,

The very moment that she did?

So what are we

To think then?

That she was just

An ordinary widow,

With no extraordinary reason,

To explain the reason

She was singled out?

Surely not!

Perhaps it was because

She was so full of happiness,

It overflowed,

And everyone around her

Wanted what she had?

But no,

Not from what

She told Elijah.


Then what about the strength

Of her relationship,

With the Lord?

Was this the reason